High 5, milk/juice cartons, peeled, ea. 160×200 cm, Cambridge Galleries Preston, Canada, 2011
Detail High 5, milk/juice cartons, peeled, 160×200 cm, Cambridge Galleries Preston, Canada, 2011
Exhibition view, Durham Art Gallery, Canada, 2013
Milk cartons, 25×300 cm, 2011
Squared juice, 50x80x10 cm, juice carton, 2011
Friedrichsbau Bühl, 2013
And in the blue corner…, size variable, recycled industrial plastic bags, Cambrige Galleries Preston, Canada, 2011
And in the blue corner…, size variable, recycled industrial plastic bags, Cambrige Galleries Preston, Canada, 2011
Blue Crown, 100×180 cm, recycled industrial plastic bags, 2012
4.0 untitled, styrofoam, plaster, 45x30x20 cm, 2008
White stairs, 45x65x10 cm, styrofoam, plaster, paper, 2008
Studio shot, 2008
Grey elephant, ceramic, 10×15 cm, 2014